So what’s this guy’s story?
Growing up I always had a love of great stories. Be they epic or mundane, true to life or wild-spun fantasies, or just anecdotes about life, I wanted to hear them. As I got older, I knew it was my calling in life to not just listen to the great stories of the world, but to help share them with others.
In the last year I’ve made the weird-but-exciting leap from living in South Minneapolis’ Powderhorn Park neighborhood to packing up all of our worldly possessions (plus a toddler and three cats) and driving across the country to live in Vermont and possibly get some chickens. The last two years working freelance and staying at home to raise my son have been some of the most fun I’ve had in a long time… If you ignore the whole COVID19 thing.
I have been a music DJ at KUOM – Radio K, 100.7 & 104.5 FM and 770 AM in the Metro area. I was Host & Managing Editor of Radio K’s Culture Queue Arts & Culture program. I’ve also worked with American Public Media/Minnesota Public as a Digital Production Assistant on The Splendid Table, The Dinner Party Download, On Being, and Wits. I’ve also held senior communications roles at various nonprofit organizations in the Twin Cities area, such as Theater Mu and The Bakken Museum.
I am excited to get back out there and start telling stories again, and I am ready to sharpen my wit and my pencils (I’m a pencil, guy, don’t @ me) to make the world a bit more lively. My interests include news reporting, digital content management and creation, radio documentary production, graphic design and multimedia storytelling. Reach out if you want to learn more about what I do or work together on a project!